Our animals are part of our community and Raiz is committed to improving their wellbeing across our island. As a loyal advocate for animal wellbeing, we envision an empathetic and respectful island where our animals are an integral part of our daily lives. This is what we call Humane Prosperity - where the wellbeing of people and animals are central to the country's development. To achieve this, Raiz will implement the Aruba Animal Welfare Management (MBAA).
A new legal Framework, the Landverordening Dierenwelzijn will focus on the wellbeing of our domestic animals. Key measure in the new law include:
- Mandatory microchipping
- Mandatory Sterilization of pets
- Strict regulations for breeders
- Central Animal registry to ensure accountability and oversight.
To enforce the Law on animal wellbeing we are establishing the Animal Welfare Inspection unit under the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (Santa Rosa). This unit will be responsible to attend all cases reported of animal problems, abuse and cruelty.
Creating a center for animals and the community to:
- Rehabilitate and shelter stray or confiscated domestic animals.
- Provide adoption services, general care information and food aid for pets.
- Offer medical services and quarantine spaces for protected or confiscated animals.
We commit to expanding our collaborations with local NGOs to continue providing free sterilization services island wide, in an effort to reduce overpopulation of cats and dogs on the island.
Introducing a (ISO) microchip-based registration system to track the pet and domestic animal population growth and ensure accurate animal census data. This registry is also mandatory for all breeders and farm animal keepers.
Enforcing strict rules and mandatory registration for breeders, including those operating informally, to prevent abusive breeding practices.
Establishing a central helpline to report animal wellbeing issues, request assistance and access information and resources for pet care, such as food aid programs.
Promoting awareness in primary, secondary and preparatory education to instill responsibility and compassion for all animals and nature. We believe that a change in our community starts in education.
Investing in social re-education campaigns to foster a culture of empathy, respect and responsible animal care through communication and community engagement initiatives.
Ensuring proper disposal of carcasses and animal remains to maintain environmental sustainability.